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The Growth of a Small Business

Starting a small business is no easy endeavor. It takes a lot of moxie and guts to step out on a ledge and chase your dreams! Hippie Hounds is a labor of love founded by yours truly. I was making barely a livable wage in the veterinary field before taking a chance on myself.

Before I ever baked my first hemp treat I was working two jobs and taking a specialty course in Veterinary Cannabis. I would work 12-14 hour shifts overnight at an emergency animal hospital, study during the day, perform market research working part time as a budtender, and work with product formulation on my off time.

A small business is not easy but it is well worth it. We treat your hound like family because you ARE family. I've held paws through every second of my career, every step preparing me for this one.

It's incredible to take a step back and admire what your efforts have achieved. Hippie Hounds products have changed so many lives and opened up pet parents minds to a different means of medicating. A holistic, all-natural approach formulated and developed by Veterinary Professionals. We released the new packaging for our products this month and I would like to personally thank each and every person that has supported our growth. Without you none of this would have been possible.

All my best,

Andrea Harris

CEO of Hippie Hounds

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